What to Expect at Your Baby's First Appointment

chiropractic wellness Dec 03, 2020

As an adult, you may have visited a chiropractor to deal with lower back pain or another specific issue, but did you know that many chiropractors see babies as well? Although babies are mostly cartilage because their bones have not hardened yet, they can still experience misalignments that can put pressure on the nerves that connect to their organs, and this neurological imbalance can lead to fussiness, constipation, sleep disruptions, gas, and colic. While an adult can connect pain or discomfort with something that needs to be addressed, a baby can only cry when something hurts. Proper alignment often results in a relaxed baby and less crying.

If you have been adjusted, you may feel nervous about the idea of a chiropractor manipulating your little one, but chiropractors with experience working with infants use a completely different safe and effective technique to adjust a baby. Whereas an adult may experience some popping or cracking sounds when they are adjusted, an adjustment for a baby uses only gentle vibrational pressure to release misalignments. Often babies will be relaxed through the adjustment, and only fuss if they are cold, hungry, or wet. Sucking or crying during an adjustment can actually help get the cerebrospinal fluid flowing. 

If you take your baby to the chiropractor, first the chiropractor will gently check for neural tone in the feet and hands. The chiropractor is looking for any resistance in the natural range of motion that would indicate that there is misalignment causing restrictions. They will then use that very gentle vibrational pressure to release those restrictions to restore a full range of motion and allow the nerves to relax. A balanced nervous system allows every part of the body to function optimally, which results in a calmer, happier baby. The chiropractor will be checking for balanced responses on both sides of the body, as well as for a full range of motion through the hips and spine.

The chiropractor will also check your baby’s cranial bones and neck. Since the neck is the pathway for all the messages between the brain and the body, it is so important that the pathway is clear. All of a baby’s cranial bones are mobile to allow for passage through the birth canal. Again, the chiropractor will use very gentle vibrational pressure to release restrictions and restore a full range of motion in these areas as well.

Adjusting an infant for wellness balances the nervous system. A healthy nervous system is the key to a healthy body. If you are still not convinced, here’s a video of experienced chiropractor Dr. Kiernan doing a newborn adjustment on her two week old son. You can see how gentle this technique is. If your little one is fussy, gassy, sleepless, or otherwise cranky, it may be worth seeking out a chiropractor with infant experience. Happy babies make for happy families!

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