Do I need a Chiropractor or Physical Therapist?

chiropractic wellness Apr 16, 2021
gloved chiropractor or physical therapist manipulates a foot

Do I Need a Chiropractor Or Physical Therapist?

by Dr. Michael Osterbur, physical therapist at Natural State Health Center, Little Rock, Arkansas.

If you are experiencing pain or mobility issues, you may be wondering who to ask for help. Whether it is a result of injury, or a chronic issue, pain can disrupt your daily life. You want to address the pain, and you’d like to prevent it from recurring. Both chiropractors and physical therapists have experience reducing pain and improving function, and can help you get on with your life, so do you choose a chiropractor or physical therapist?

What are the Differences Between Chiropractors and Physical Therapists?

Chiropractors emphasize proper spinal alignment and nervous system function. To become a chiropractor, practitioners must earn a Bachelor’s degree, followed by a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from an accredited program, and also pass a certification exam in order to be licensed. 

A chiropractor achieves proper alignment of your spine and other parts of your body by performing joint manipulations that are commonly pain-free. This is effective in alleviating pain, numbness, and improving physical function. 

Chiropractors focus on the body’s ability to heal itself and work to remove impediments to that healing. The emphasis on natural healing means that most chiropractors will focus on conservative treatment options and avoid medications or invasive procedures. They also examine how all aspects of a person’s health can be affected, and may offer suggestions about nutrition and exercise to encourage whole-body health 

Like chiropractors, physical therapists also earn Bachelor’s degrees, followed by a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from an accredited program, and must pass a licensure exam. Physical therapists may use massage, manual adjustments, or assistance devices in order to promote movement and function in their patients. A physical therapist prescribes therapeutic exercise including stretching and strengthening interventions to reduce pain and improve independence. 

What Do Chiropractors and Physical Therapists Have In Common?

Both chiropractors and physical therapists may use their hands to manipulate the body. They both focus on conservative approaches and whole-body health. Both will affirm the importance of healing and empower their clients to do what they can to improve and maintain their health and function. 

Chiropractors and physical therapists can be consulted for many symptoms including:

Back pain

Neck pain

Joint pain


Recovery from illness, surgery, or injury

Facilitating movement and flexibility 

Consider both!

When deciding which practitioner to see to reduce your symptoms, consider choosing both. Chiropractors and physical therapists compliment each other in the interventions they prescribe. After a chiropractor achieves proper joint alignment, a physical therapist will then strengthen the joint to remain stable and strong, reducing your pain and improving your independent function. This integrative approach to health allows you to benefit from the knowledge and perspectives of both professions. Proper alignment, strength, flexibility, and function all work together to improve your quality of life.

At Natural State Health Center in Little Rock, our team of practitioners will work together to address the causes of your symptoms, and will come up with a comprehensive treatment plan designed to move you towards health and wholeness. 

Feel free to call or schedule an appointment any time!


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