How Do I Choose a Physical Therapist?

health concerns natural pain relief Jan 20, 2022
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How Do I Choose a Physical Therapist?

If you’re experiencing pain or loss of mobility, whether from injury, illness, or aging, you might consider a visit with a physical therapist. Physical therapists are movement specialists, and their job is to help you get moving again. 

Physical therapists must earn Bachelor’s degrees, followed by a Doctorate of Physical Therapy from an accredited program, and must pass a licensure exam. They may use massage, manual adjustments, or assistance devices in order to promote movement and function in their patients. A physical therapist prescribes therapeutic exercise including stretching and strengthening interventions to reduce pain and improve independence.

At your first visit, you can expect your physical therapist to perform a movement assessment. In addition to discussing your medical history, the issue that brought you to the office, and your goals, your physical therapist will evaluate your strength, range of motion, and balance with a series of simple movements. This information forms your baselines, and helps your therapist set benchmarks so that you can measure your improvement. Your physical therapist will give you a set of exercises to specifically work toward your goals. You will likely return for several sessions, to evaluate your progress and learn new exercises.

7 Questions to Ask When Looking for a Physical Therapist

1. Have they treated many individuals with my diagnosis?

You will want to be confident that your therapist has experience in prescribing interventions to effectively treat your diagnosis.

2. How will a physical therapist know how to help me?

Physical therapists are experts in movement of the human body. They are specially trained in assessing mobility impairments originating from numerous diagnoses. Physical therapists will establish a plan of care including exercise and education with their patients with the results of a thorough initial examination. 

3. Will I work with the same physical therapist all the time?

Ideally you will be treated by the same physical therapist during a care plan to ensure optimal continuity of care. However, in the event you don't see your primary therapist, detailed therapy notes are provided to continue the prescribed care plan with appropriate progression toward your goals. 

4. How will I pay for therapy?

Most medical insurance providers will assist in the payment for physical therapy services if the provider is within the network. Usually your insurance will have a pre-set number of therapy visits per calendar year. If you require financial assistance, your therapy provider will work with you to set up an appropriate payment plan. 

5. How long will my therapy sessions last?

Your therapy sessions will typically last 30 minutes to one hour. 

6. How long will it take to see results?

Everyone progresses differently depending on their reason for referral. Some patients may find relief following one session, some may require several weeks. Your physical therapist will be able to provide you more accurate expectations.

7. Does therapy hurt?

Depending on your reason for referral, some increased pain will result from interventions as your body is progressing through the healing process. Diagnoses including fractures and joint replacements may result in increased pain due to current inflammation. Physical therapists are skilled in challenging you to improve function safely and with as little pain as possible. Most, if not all, prescribed interventions are directed to specifically reduce your pain. Remember, the goal is to reduce your pain as much as possible to return you to a high functioning quality of life. 

Top 10 Qualities to Look for in Your Physical Therapist

In addition to the questions above, you also want to think about the kind of person you’d like to work with. It’s important to have a good working relationship with your therapist in order to get the most out of your treatment. 

1. Caring. Patients don't care how much their therapist knows until they know how much their therapist cares. 

2. Knowledgeable. Therapists need to be held to a standard in the quality of their services in order to safely and effectively treat their patients.

3. Ethical. Therapists need to be held accountable for their actions with patient care and documentation.

4. Life long learner. Therapists should always be diligent in self-education and furthering one's knowledge to provide the highest quality of care.

5. Enthusiastic. Therapists need to be excited about working with their patients and know how to have fun while remaining professional.

6. Realistic. Therapists need to be realistic with their patients' expectations and in their goal making.

7. Time efficient. Therapists need to provide the highest quality of care within a given time frame with the skill to adequately complete accurate documentation. 

8. Ability to educate. Therapists need to be well spoken and have the skill to educate complicated material in layman's terms to empower their patients.

9. Patience. Therapists need to have patience with patients as all individuals progress at different rates with different abilities and learning levels. Therapists need to have the skill to try various methods to facilitate improvements.  

10. Humble. Therapists need to be prepared to make mistakes and own those mistakes and learn from them to improve their knowledge and skill.


At Natural State Health Center in Little Rock, a physical therapist works as part of our integrative medical team in order to provide high-quality, multi-faceted care. If you are looking to avoid surgery, reduce pain, recover from injury, manage a condition, or cope with aging, a visit to with a physical therapist may be beneficial for you. At Natural State, we also have chiropractors, a massage therapist, and a nurse practitioner skilled in regenerative medicine. All of these professionals are ready to help equip, inspire, and educate you as you seek better health and a life of vibrant energy. 

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