IV and IM Therapies at Natural State Health Center

wellness Nov 23, 2021

Intravenous (IV) and intramuscular (IM) fluids offer a direct method of delivery by administering essential vitamins, nutrients, or therapies directly into the bloodstream for 100% absorption – facilitating the body’s natural healing response. 

At Natural State Health Center, we tailor our therapies to your individual needs and only administer what you need, when you need it.  Because these therapies are delivered directly into the bloodstream, they bypass the digestive system and go straight to where they are needed – in the tissues and organs.  This method of delivery enhances your body’s ability to filter out toxins, while increasing healthy cell production and improving metabolism.  Many people say the therapies help:

-        Improve their energy levels

-        Reduce headaches and migraines 

-        Improve mental clarity and reduce brain fog

-        Build muscles faster and reduce recovery time

-        Reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety

-        Combat allergies

-        Enhance the body’s appropriate immune response

-        Increase sensation to the hands and feet by flushing out free radicals 

-        Weight loss

Many people desire IV hydration therapy for treatment of ailments like hangovers, dehydration after a viral illness, overexertion, obesity, neuropathy, addictions, and jet lag.  Others desire treatment as a health promotion for things like enhancing the appearance of hair and skin, promoting muscle recovery, detoxifying the body, and increasing energy and overall wellness.

Each infusion takes about 45 min to administer and cost varies depending on your vitamin/nutritional needs.  Please call 501-224-1224 to schedule an appointment for IV hydration today!

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