Taking Stock: What to Leave Behind and What Bring Forward

wellness Dec 30, 2021
happy new year with greenery

10 Aspects of Life To Assess


As this year comes to a close and you prepare for a new year, there is a season for introspection. The holidays can disrupt routines and allow you the chance to evaluate and consider what you’d like to bring with you into the new year, and what you’d like to leave behind. Whether you like to set concrete goals and the steps to achieve them, or whether you prefer a looser look at things that are working or not working to look for tweaks, here are 10 areas of your life to think about. Or, if that feels overwhelming, you can pick the one thing from the list that you’d like to think about. If the thought of fixing “all the things” makes you want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over your head, choose one small promise to make to yourself and start there. 

  1. Nutrition

On a daily basis, you make choices about what you’ll eat to nourish your body. Sometimes these are deliberate choices, and sometimes they are habits built up over time. Sometimes the choices you make about your nutrition are based on nostalgia, or convenience, or opportunity rather than on what your body needs. There are any number of small promises you can make that will increase the amount of nutrition your body takes in, and decrease the amount of substances that can actually drain your body’s resources. Here are three to consider. First, eat a fruit with your first meal of the day. Second, don’t drink your calories. If you drink soda with meals, try switching it out for water. Third, add one more vegetable to your lunch or supper. Any of these switches will improve your nutrition on a daily basis.

  1. Hydration

Every single cell in your body needs water in order to function. Access to clean fresh drinking water is something to be grateful for! In order to get the water you need, start early in the day. A simple place to start is to drink a full glass of water right away in the morning. When you break your fast with water, you give your body what it needs to get going. Then fill the glass again to drink with breakfast, or when you take your first morning break. 

  1. Movement

Bodies are made to move! Many aspects of modern day living have reduced the need to move as you go about your work, but your body still needs movement throughout the day. Moving your body regularly supports healthy bones, muscles, and joints, and keeps your metabolism humming. Movement is also essential to brain health. Regular movement helps your body process and release stress hormones. Scheduling regular movement snacks into your day can keep your mind fresh and relaxed. Try embracing movement for joy rather than as a chore, and add some play back into your day. A daily walk (or two) outside (even for just 10 minutes), quick sets of wall push-ups or squats with bathroom breaks, or adding 20 jumping jacks to your wake-up routine are all ways to get your body moving. 

  1. Sleep

Sleep is not an indulgence or a sign of laziness. Consistent high-quality sleep is necessary for your body to rest, heal, process information, and regulate your hormones. Poor sleep makes an impact on every aspect of your life and health, and improving your quality of sleep can be an important part of weight loss, mood stabilization, immune function, and cognitive performance. You can prioritize sleep by setting bedtimes and wake times, setting up your bedroom for high quality sleep, or giving yourself a bedtime routine. 

  1. Stress manangement

Stress is actually a normal and useful part of life. The stress hormones your body produces are meant to help you respond quickly and prompt learning. However, living in a chronic state of activation can wear on your mind and body. Learning how to return to a state of calm after stress can help reduce that wear. There are many different ways to process your thoughts and emotions, from journaling or drawing, to deep breathing and meditation techniques, to working with a therapist in order to address lifetime patterns. You can also think about building in rest breaks throughout your day to allow you the space to transition between tasks.

  1. Relationships 

In addition to thinking about how you are caring for your mind and body, this is a good time of year to reflect on other aspects of your life as well. It can be a great time to take stock of your relationships. Are you deeply listening to the people in your life? Are they listening to you? Are your relationships places where love, care, and connection are prioritized? Are you showing up for the people you’ve promised to show up for, and expressing and receiving love?

  1. Finances

You can take stock of your financial situation and take steps towards your goals. Can you add a little more to your savings rate? Are you learning about investment opportunities? Does your current budget reflect the realities of your life, or are there places that you need to readjust in order to stay on track? If this is an area you’d like to work on, take the time to ask questions, seek advice, and look closely at your numbers. 

  1. Community connections

Human beings are social creatures. Even the most introverted people need to know that they matter to their people, and need to share life with others. People find connection through their churches, neighborhoods, schools, workplaces, and through clubs and hobbies. You can reflect on what is important to you and how you can connect to others who care about those same things. Giving and receiving help are reciprocal blessings. 

  1. Work and career

Work can be a large part of life. Whether you want to focus on compensation, or on purpose, or on acquiring skills or education, this might be a good time to lay out some goals and evaluate where you are at and where you’d like to go.

  1. Pursuit of joy

Perhaps the thing you need to focus on this year is how to embrace and enjoy the small things in life. Play, enjoyment, hobbies and challenges, mystery, novelty, learning new things, and time outside in nature are all ways to bring the zest into life. You can try making a list of the things you enjoyed as a child, or the things that bring you joy as an adult, and make space for those things in your day. Perhaps the thing you need to do most is to shed the burden of other people’s opinions to allow yourself to enjoy what you love. 


At TruBalance Health Centers and Natural State Health Centers, our goal is to educate, equip, and inspire you to pursue health in every aspect of your life. Only you know what it is you need to leave behind, and what it is you need to carry forward. Whether that is an emphasis on the health of your mind, body, or spirit, you are worthy of love and care. 

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